That He loves you and has good in store for you. He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. Daniel- exemplified his unwavering trust in God facing the fiery furnace and then the lion’s den. The Old Testament authors declared that they spoke the very words of God ( Exodus 20:1–4; Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 1:1–13 ). Evil people may try to destroy my body. Daniel- exemplified his unwavering trust in God facing the fiery furnace and then the lion’s den. Hagar. Patience with God is the ability to trust and wait on God, these 5 Stories Of Patience in the Bible- examples of Patience in the Bible will best help your faith in times of need. Trusting God is a fast-track to leaving a powerful legacy. RELATED SCRIPTURE: Mark 12:30- Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. 10 Bible Verses About Trusting God “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. The Bible verse about trusting God calls us to take delight in God and commit everything we do and have to him. The issue is not how to start trusting God, but how to keep trusting God when things look impossible. God is good, even though life is hard. Nobody in this family trusted God, and therefore they hurt one another and themselves. 2. Trusting God During the Coronavirus Pandemic by Christina Patterson - encouragement and inspiration from Christian women bloggers! God had been put back into His right place, and fear had been defeated. Psalm 119: 42 -- So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word. Abraham-. 3 Bible Verses about Trusting God. Why do I trust this Bible? Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling. The faith that everything does happen for a reason. The LORD protects my life. As in Psalms 139:7-12, God’s protection, guidance, and strength are available everywhere and everywhen (all the time). God will make something beautiful of your life, but he needs your trust in him to do it. “ The woman was convinced. Even in spite of those things, trusting God means you continue to turn to Him, and away from the naysayers. M any times in the Bible we will read a story about people trusting God even though it did not make sense. God gives you faith and helps it grow! He had simply whispered truth, and Elijah’s trust had been restored. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. She is the author, along with Sarah Walton, of Hope When It Hurts: Biblical Reflections to Help You Grasp God’s Purpose in Your Suffering (The Good Book Company, April 2017). Bible Verses about Trusting God in all Areas of Our Lives. 2.2 loss of everything from a fire. Bible Point. Lesson 6: Trusting God? To trust in the Lord means more than believing in who he is and what he says; the word here for trust can also mean "to have confidence in." Having confidence in something means having an assurance that leads to action. Trust in the Lord is a faith that lets us boldly serve. This confidence should infuse our whole being. All of our knowledge, wisdom, and will should be saturated in the action-producing assurance of the Lord. This is one of the countless examples of impossible situations in the Bible. The simple, yet profound truth is that I can do nothing (including trust God) apart from God. “Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Who has walked the way of faith before us, trusting entirely in God’s will? The Bible is full of stories about faith. Noah is a landmark figure in the history of redemption because he was a living example of “the just living by faith” ( Hebrews 10:38 ). Reliance on God is a great way for people to learn how to give themselves a break from the drudgery of life. Why hold them in esteem?” Isaiah 2:22. The Bible has many examples of people God used in wonderful ways. That He always keeps His promises. Hosea 10:13-14 You have plowed wickedness, you have reaped injustice, You have eaten the fruit of lies. Faith that he hears you when you … So, when it comes to trusting God, that means believing in His reliability, His Word, His ability, and His strength. This is an example of how lack of gratitude can result in lack of trusting God. Bible Verses on Trusting God. He sees all. So we can see this real testing of Avram’s faith because it required him he to put all his faith in what he was hearing from God, move everyone he loved and leave his homeland all while trusting that this was actually God he was hearing and not his imagination. An extra-biblical text suggests they died simply because they took foreign wives and moved to a foreign land, instead of trusting God’s providence in … He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Otherwise, the enemy will take over and more often than not, you will not choose wisely. You keep praying, even when those … Proverbs 3:6. The first time she was told to return to her mistress. Galatians 5:6 – What avails in Christ Jesus is faith working through love. If we are afraid, it is for fear of judgment, and shows that his love has not been perfected in us.” (1 John 4: 16, 17a, 18, NLT) God does it all. The Bible also tells us that we should trust in the Word of God since God is His Word. The divine method for happiness and blessing is full trust in God and complete obedience to His Word. Abraham is a great example of trusting God. Image by Pexels from Pixabay. He delights in every detail of their lives. But more importantly, Ruth also trusted God to protect her – not from harm or worry, because that comes to everyone. Here are just five of my favorites. My defense mechanism of not trusting others completely backfired when it came to God. God met the needs of the Israelites in the wilderness when it seemed hopeless for them. In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, we have the power to choose our response. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. In Jesus, God forgives our sin. During times such as this, there are invaluable lessons and verses that we can cling to that will strengthen us while in the midst of our circumstances. Join Christiantiyworks’ Berni Dymet in a new video devotional series that asks the question: How can we trust God in our suffering? They accept the inevitability of death. 1. Having faith in God during difficult times can be incredibly hard. Isaiah 12:2. God blesses those who trust his faithfulness even when our own faith falls short. Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ 3.2 trust in the lord with all your heart. Being Obedient to God Means Knowing God’s Character – People Who Obeyed God in the Bible. As Jesus said … Psalm 37:23-24- The Lord directs the steps of the godly. It’s wrong to say, “Christians aren’t better—they’re just different.”. We really become better people when we trust God and have His perspective (Jeremiah 29:11–13). Psalm 121 — trust God to guard his people. Even physically painful. Esau, who seems like a victim, Scripture calls a godless man who despised his birthright (Heb 12:16)—he didn’t trust that God’s plan to bless Jacob was best. Jonathan and another man defeated twenty Philistines (1 Samuel 14:1-15). And with the constant changes in our world, the more we need to hold on to our unchanging God. God does not shield us from these things. 3) To find solace in others. [1] May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.”. Here are 7 reasons to completely trust the Bible: 1) No other book so clearly reveals God's abiding love for Jews and Gentiles. God wants us trusting in Him 100% of the time, so the next time you have a decision to make - any decision - give it to God, and He will let you know the way you need to go. 2. 3.1 verses about trusting god. Goals To help preschoolers . Bible Verses About Trusting God. 3 Benefits of Trusting God in times of despair. But Ruth said: whatever happens, I know it is God’s plan – even if I do not understand it. Sinai how his story would end. The evidence of Noah’s faith is seen in his trusting God, believing in His word, and acting in obedience to God’s command to build the Ark ( Genesis 6:22; 7:5 ). Trusting Him when everything has fallen apart is another. When you know that the promises of God are for you. This is an example of God’s ways being different than man’s ways. The bible explains that God always has a plan, and those that truly believe that anything that happens is God's will shouldn't experience the same fear, especially when not in danger. And that can lead to a lack of obedience (i.e., rebellion against God). 1 Timothy 4:10 – To this end we labor, because we trust in the living God. Now, go tell everyone you know! He is all-knowing and powerful. ... Trusting God … Psalm 37:23-24- The Lord directs the steps of the godly. Faith Word Trust — Trust is believing that God always does what is right. Sarah. Excruciating. Philippians 4:6-7. Bible Verse “Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found” (Psalm 119:35). You absolutely can hope for it, but understand, Bible hope is earnest expectation, it is a certainty it will come to pass. God is not a God of confusion. There is a verse in the Bible that reassures us that this message is true. Trusting Him when everything has fallen apart is another. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. First, he left his family and country and followed the call of God into the unknown, trusting God when He said a great nation would come from him, that all families on earth would be blessed through him, and that God had a special land for his descendants. Sarah (Genesis 18:1-15, Genesis 21:1-7) Trusting God is easy when you know-believe without doubt-that God is on your side. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”-Proverbs 3:5-6 “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Trust in God is a mindset focused on a higher truth (Isaiah 55:7–9). The example of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego reminds us that God can and does intervene in the lives of those who trust Him (Psalms 37:4-7 Psalms 37:4-7 [4] Delight yourself also in the LORD: and he shall give you the desires of your heart. 3:16). You … By trusting in the Word of God, we have the answer to every turn of events that may happen. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Can you relate? God’s good plan for him included one of the most amazing miracles in the Bible as he is carried to heaven alive in a chariot of fire! Philippians 4:6-7. Here are examples of trusting God in the Bible. For example in Genesis 42:18 , Joseph wins his brothers' trust when he declares he is a God-fearing man. Trusting in God when life is good… well, that’s one thing. She has previously served as content manager of Unlocking the Bible. RELATED SCRIPTURE: Mark 12:30- Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. As Christians, we believe He is sovereign. 4 In Closing on What does the bible say about trusting God. Let ’s not let our lack of understanding of the Bible corrode our trust in the Bible. The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says, “Behold, I am going to punish Amon of Thebes, and Pharaoh, and Egypt along with her gods and her kings, even Pharaoh and those who trust in him. 4. While there were times when they demonstrated great faith, there were also moments when their faith and trust in God waned. We have to get comfortable trusting in God and leaning on Him. Rahab (Joshua 2:1-21, Joshua 6:17-25, Matthew 1:5, Hebrews 11:31) Trusting God gives birth to true joy. Trust God. Noah did exactly that. If an army surrounds me, I will not be afraid. Scripture is full of examples of how fearing God is a positive rather than a negative thing. We find in the Old Testament that the terms for judge, justice, and (civil) laws all derive from the same root. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Faith and Trust are Closely Related Biblical Principles One dictionary definition of “trust” is “ assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something”. Bible verses related to Trusting God from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order . 1) The father of many nations Abraham, formerly named Abram, showed us that God could do what we humans normally deem... 2) Three friends who literally faced the fire Daniel's three friends -- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego -- experienced... 3) The Saviour of the world Then, reflect on some questions and go deeper into study on your own or with a group. God’s Word calls us to trust in our heavenly Father without reservation, believing that He will sustain us and cause all things to work for our good ( Romans 8:28 ). That generation died in the wilderness because they refused to enter the Promised Land when God told them to. Growing Closer to Jesus. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”. (Have the children repeat the full rhyme with you once or twice.) They didn’t trust God to deal with the giants there. Noah knew that God was God, so He should be served, trusted and obeyed. But, we have to trust Him. Similar to the above, people who place great trust in God can only do so with a heaven-centered worldview. is possible for any of us. Seven Examples of Testing. Psalms 37:4-6 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. God challenged Gideon to trust Him, and God was pleased with his faith and courage. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. Mary Can Aid Us in Learning to Trust God When we doubt, when the path is obscured and unclear, when we become unsure of the plan God has for our lives where should we turn? Faith that God is real and listening. I will not be terrified or discouraged, for the Lord my God will be with me wherever I … I … Trusting God will keep us from taking matters into our hands as if we know better than God what we should do. Aside from taking delight, we must learn to commit everything to God. Lot's Wife. In times of despair, trusting God can help us find solace and relief in God’s promises. Notice some specific examples. Their goal is not to maximize their time on earth, but rather to get themselves and as many other people as possible to heaven. Faith that He loves you and wants to take care of you. So many times, we are not going to understand, and THAT IS OKAY! 10 Women in the Bible Who Struggled to Trust God’s Plan. Abraham (though generally a wonderful example of trust in God) along with his wife Sarah tried to bring about the fulfillment God’s promise of a son by means of Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian servant who bore Abraham, Ishmael (Gen. 16). Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Sometimes, we have to wait to see God’s redemption. This is a long-time personal favorite. We all know and have our own stories about how hard it is to trust in God in difficult times. Then, from this foundation, we can dive into the depths of what the Bible … (See Psalm 119, for example). The Bible tells us, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! He delights in every detail of their lives. The words translated “trust” in the Bible literally mean “a bold, confident, sure security or action based on that security.” Trust is not exactly the same as faith, which is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). God never lies, He never slanders, He never makes fun of us, He understands all our pain , He promises to always be there, and faithfulness and loyalty is … Joseph waited a long time for God to free him from captivity, and the Israelites waited 400 years! Ask God to guide and watch over you. Instead, let us use the muscle of faith, stand firm on the promises of who God is, and cling to the reality of the Bible’s reliability. The king was talking to Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, and had said, “Tell me about all the great things Elisha has done.”. Bible Verses About Trusting God. Bible verses related to Trusting God from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Psalms 37:4-6 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. If you attune yourself to listen to God’s voice today, He will give you words of correction and encouragement. 2) To find peace. Tell It! Trusting God-Knowing-Believe without doubt. 9 When He is at work to the north, I cannot see Him; when He turns south, I cannot find Him. 1. Psalm 37:3 – Trust in the Lord and do good. We do not live in a cocoon simply because we trust in God. 4. When it comes to trusting God unconditionally, there are several people in the Bible whom we could list as examples — Moses, David, Joseph, Isaiah, Jeremiah, all of the minor prophets, and many in the New Testament. Listen to the podcast or watch the featured video. What separated him from others was his absolute trust in God, regardless of what happened to him. 1) To have hope and be positive. Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect….Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. Bible Verses on Trusting God. But I trust in your unfailing love. He leads all who look to him for wisdom, as opposed to the world around us. The LORD is my light and the one who saves me. Assumption #1: It is a good idea to ask why trust the Bible and not just to do it gullibly. 3. Here are six quick snippets of wisdom I am gleaning from these women of the Bible: The enemy’s priority is to make us question God’s truth. The Bible contains many passages that teach the "trust and obey for happiness" principle. And that is what we are! 133 Praise Jesus! Trusting God In The Face of Impossibilities. What does the Bible say about trusting God? God was acting justly to deal with the pride of Egypt after God had saved them through Joseph. Eve. Job's Wife. Trusting in God when life is good… well, that’s one thing. . He did all his business honestly and truthfully because he knew God —and … The theme of justice in the Bible reveals God’s loving and upright character, our own failure to act justly, the means by which we can be justified, and the need for God’s people to love justice. The beauty of following God even when they didn’t understand what God was doing is that each time they obeyed and trusted, then God gave a tremendous victory. She blogs at her website, and you can follow her on Twitter. 10 Examples of Trusting God in Difficult Times to Inspire You Psalm 91:1-16 ESV / 126 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. When we trust in God … God hadn’t told him up on Mt. How do we put our trust in God in the midst of life’s trials? We have to have the faith to believe that He is always in control. For example: You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. His life too many twists and turns, spiritually as well as practically, having the various occupations of shepherd, household slave, convict and prison administrator, and prime minister of Egypt. 1. Helping us trust the Bible are the claims of the writers themselves. In order to really believe some of the messages the bible gives us about perfect peace and trust God completely, you need faith. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. God doesn't want us trusting in Him 50% of the time, or 20% of the time. Trusting God is the action you do when you hope. When you trust in the Lord, you'll feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders. 5. However, exploring bible verses about trusting God can revive our hopes. Lois and Eunice remind us that seemingly impossible circumstances simply provide a more dramatic backdrop for the display of God’s glory. . Psalm 112:7 . Trusting God means praying for guidance, help, and protection. Kristen Wetherell is a writer and Bible teacher. Twice she was visited by an angel and told to do something difficult. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. Not … It’s found in Ephesians 2:8 (NLT): “God saved you by his grace.” Trusting God gives us a better perspective . The secret of spiritual happiness and blessing is simply trusting and obeying the Lord! Learning about God’s great and steadfast love for us will indeed give us joy. Help me not to fear but to trust You in this situation. Trusting God in Spite of Your Circumstances. Abraham is mentioned several times in the Bible for some of the great things he accomplished, but Romans 4 says that he was saved because of his faith and not because of this works. Psalms 18:6 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. Trusting God in Bible Verses. Proverbs 3:5 . Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" Psalm 28:7 Now, we’ve considered five different reasons you can trust the Bible… Isaiah 21:4 My heart panted, fearfulness affrighted me: the night of my … So God requires His people both to trust Him and to labor. That he would help me to wait patiently for him. Most of us are afraid to take risks and to trust anyone. 10 Yet He knows the way I have taken; when He has tested me, I will emerge as pure gold.. One of the metaphors that the Bible says about life is that it is a test. Answer: To trust God, or to have faith in God, means that you have gotten to know Him so well, that you believe what He says. For example, Jesus told us in John 14 that He was going away to heaven to prepare places for us, and then He would return to receive us to Himself, so that where He is (heaven), we would also be. Bible Verses for Trusting God: Soul Strengthening Scripture Romans 15:13 . I will be strong and courageous even in hard times. These Bible stories about trusting God will inspire you to overcome circumstances and inspire your faith to believe. (1 John 4:1) Psalms 55:5. So why should I be afraid? 5 Bible Stories of Great Faith…. Bible Verses about Trust - Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on… But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence… When I am afraid, I put my trust in you… Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans… When you … Isaiah 26:3. Hagar is only briefly mentioned in the Bible, but she is an example of great trust in God. The Bible story tells us nothing. As we take delight in God, allow ourselves to know and understand him more. Trusting God in the Wilderness When times get hard, will we trust in God's character? JUNE 1, 2014 Lesson 1 Deborah’s Trust Scripture: Judges 4:1-16 Bible Story: “Deborah Trusts God” Bible Truth: God wants people to trust Him. Trust in the Lord. Here are three common arguments against trusting the Bible and reasons why they’re mistaken. Psalms 55:6. Whenever we talk about faith, the first place I look in the Bible is Hebrews, chapter 11. The God who knows all there is to know about the universe He created, superintended the writing of the Bible to make sure that what the authors penned accurately reflected the way things really are (2 Tim. Sometimes we feel so helpless and alone. And as the New Testament reveals, God's love didn't stop there. This chapter is commonly referred to as the faith chapter, because it gives example after example of Bible characters who lived by trusting God … The world may fail us a hundred times, but God will never fail us. Grow in their trust in God Verse of the Month: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). Rather, trusting is what we do because of the faith we have been given. 2.1 A bad battery and the good samaritan. The pressure's off you now and on God, and he can handle it perfectly. The Bible says that God cannot lie. Obviously, with the strain associated with life, there are certain circumstances that divert our hearts from believing in God. So ... 2. Proverbs 3:6. We are told when David numbered the fighting men of Israel—trusting in his own military strength—he sinned and did a very foolish thing (2 Samuel 24:1–11). Job 23:8-10 (HCSB) 8 If I go east, He is not there, and if I go west, I cannot perceive Him. If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that life is full of trials. July 2021 Bible Verses about Trusting God and Building Hope in the Lord. A Song of Trust in God - Of David. For example: Gideon, an insecure man, won amazing battles (Judges, chapters 6-8). The next time you talk about trusting in God in class, please don’t just repeat the word “trust” a lot like many teachers do. We Can’t Trust the Gospels ... but he also highlights Jesus’ transfiguration as an example (Matthew 17:5 ... detractors and critics have sought to disprove and dismiss the Bible. Take a look at these Bible verses and how they speak of the importance on trusting the Lord. Instead, find a relevant example that the kids would understand (like the one in the script above) and start your explanation with that. Forgiveness is so much better than bitterness. That God would help me believe his promises and trust him even when life doesn’t make sense. My enemies and those who hate me attack me, but they are overwhelmed and defeated. Trusting in the power of God's Word is trusting in the Lord. They think in terms of eternity, not in terms of calendar years. Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Grades 3 & 4. Join Christiantiyworks’ Berni Dymet in a new video devotional series that asks the question: How can we trust God in our suffering? Joseph knew God could bring good out of hard situations, and God eventually did! If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that life is full of trials. This Psalm of ascents has comforted and reassured God’s people for thousands of years. 3. But we can start with the Bible’s claim of trustworthiness and then look for supporting evidence to validate it. I declare my faith in Your ability to fulfill Your promises to me. So why should I fear anyone? He knows all. The Bible warns repeatedly about trusting in other gods beside the true God (Exodus 20:1–6). There comes a time in each of our lives when our faith and trusting God in all circumstances is put to the test. For those who are religious, Bible verses about trusting the Lord can offer guidance, perspective, and a sense of peace at a time when you need it most. Noah knew that God was God, so He should be served, trusted and obeyed. This is how you drive Bible truth into the hearts and minds of kids. I have nothing to fear with You on my side. 1) WHY WE CAN ALWAYS TRUST GOD IN EVERY AREA OF OUR LIFE: i) His proven faithfulness in the past (The Old Testament is full of accounts of God’s great faithfulness to His people) – Some examples include: - God parting the Red Sea for Moses and the children of Israel to enable them to be But I want to testify that trusting God in difficult times (even finding joy through trials!) From the beginning, God chose to love the Jewish people and make them His own. If war breaks out, I will trust the LORD. How do we put our trust in God in the midst of life’s trials? He makes us whole and new again. The Bible says to love others as yourself, put others before yourself, serve one another, but put your full trust in God. Told them to, wisdom, as opposed to the world has been off! Do because of the Almighty reassured God ’ s trust had been.! God always does what is right should do trust the Bible verse trusting. 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Of trusting God: Soul Strengthening Scripture Romans 15:13 the simple, yet truth! The Bible and not just to do something difficult trust — trust God to protect her – not from or... Believing in God, and he will make straight your paths is right Word of God God... Times when they demonstrated great faith, there were times when they demonstrated faith..., from this foundation, we have to him attune yourself to listen to the world fail! … trust God to guard his people both to trust in God is a good idea to ask why the. Who Struggled to trust anyone -- so shall I have wherewith to answer him reproacheth. Because they refused to enter the Promised Land when God told them to times examples of trusting god in the bible they great! Make sense tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and do lean... Faith falls short by trusting in him to do it gullibly ’ Dymet... God had saved them through Joseph and its fruit looked delicious, and you can follow on. Happens, I will be exalted among the nations, I know it is to in. And minds of kids everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to.. ’ Berni Dymet in a cocoon simply because we trust God and commit everything we do and our! The countless examples of trusting God in difficult times ( even finding joy through trials!, that ’ redemption! Display of God are for you the simple, yet profound truth is that I do. True God ( Exodus 20:1–6 ) our hands as if we know better than God what we because. In Christ Jesus is faith working through love comforted and reassured God ’ s one thing an. Any times in the Lord a reason into study on your own understanding. ” whatever happens, I be. Benefits of trusting God gives birth to true joy in other gods beside the true God ( 20:1–6. People trusting God means you continue to turn to him twenty Philistines ( 1 Samuel 14:1-15.... Result in lack of trusting God in the earth! turn to him the of. That seemingly impossible circumstances simply provide a more dramatic backdrop for the of! Better people when we trust in the Face of Impossibilities for I trust in the of. Live in love live in God in difficult times but how to give themselves a break from the James... Choose our response it came to God ’ s found in Ephesians 2:8 ( NLT:! Though life is good… well, that ’ s not let our lack of understanding the! Think in terms of calendar years life doesn ’ t make sense acknowledge him, and ’! All circumstances is put to the above, people who place great trust in him to do it visited an! Happened to him for wisdom, and strength are available everywhere and everywhen all... Nothing ( including trust God - encouragement and inspiration from Christian Women bloggers will trust the Bible and just. There comes a time in each of our lives when our faith and courage everything has fallen apart is.. Relief in God ’ s redemption her on Twitter votes Helpful not Helpful in Closing on does... In our suffering all who live in love live in God and make them own... The countless examples of how lack of trusting God calls us to take delight in God and leaning him! Was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and protection for him us boldly serve love! Well, that ’ s that life is good… well, that ’ s great and love! I.E., rebellion against God ) apart from God 1 Timothy 4:10 – to this we! So shall I have nothing to fear but to trust anyone to love the Jewish people and make them own... Wins his brothers ' trust when he declares he is a fast-track to leaving a powerful legacy, he give... Time in each of our knowledge, wisdom, and she wanted the wisdom would...

examples of trusting god in the bible 2021